
Meski’s Blue Water Source

The source of long-lasting freshness

The Source Bleue de Meski is located 20 kilometers southeast of Errachidia, towards Erfoud. The Oued Ziz resurfaces and runs abundantly, forming a lovely swimming pool ideal for relaxing. It thus gives the ideal setting for spending quality time with family under the shade of palm trees and ocher rocks.

The source of long-lasting freshness

The Meski spring emerges from a rocky hole, giving its crystal-clear water an exceptional freshness. An uncommon resource in a region known for breaking summer temperature records. As a result, spring has traditionally been a popular swimming destination for both young and old.

The pool was established at the beginning of the XXth century and has evolved over time to become the region’s main tourist destination. This includes a large swimming pool, several small cafes, souvenir shops, and a camping-cars parking area.

The place is surrounded by rock walls and features beautiful greenery, primarily tall palm trees. By taking the stairway to the top of the walls, one may see a spectacular panorama of irrigated fields with the desert in the background. Furthermore, people believe that this water source is therapeutic.

For these qualities, the oasis is a popular destination for both locals and tourists, as well as a convenient stopover on regional road trips.

A great tailor-made weekendExcursionFamilyIn one dayOasis

Useful information

Did you know?

Across the Oued, the ruins of Ksar Meski are located a few hundred meters from the water source, a historic fortification built on a rocky peak, and that evocates the Igoudar. The ksar is entirely constructed of stone and mud surrounded by six towers. Built in the 12th century, Ksar Meski is one of the rare standing monuments from that period.

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Service providers

Maison Vallée Ziz

C.R Aoufous
Chez Youssef

Centre Merzouga
Dans la palmeraie

C.R Aoufous
Dar Tafouyte

Taqojt Merzouga
Ksar Assalassil

Ksar L'haine Arfoud
Khetara Oasis

Ksar jdid Errachidia
Kenzi Rissani

Av. My Ali Chérif, B.P 3 Errichidia
La Caravane

Ksar Ras Rmel CT de Taous
Maison d’Hôtes Ambellar

Ksar Mhirigui Arfoud

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